Water is the source of life on Earth. According to science, it is where organic matter first got formed and continued to develop to the point where the diversity of life on our planet could not be briefly described. Due to its invaluable importance and the [...]
Speleology is a scientific study of caves and karst features formed by natural processes, the interaction of several elements. Speleology as a term was first used in France in the late 19th century. The translation from Greek words that form the basis of the word speleology [...]
The change of seasons always triggers some kind of excitement, but the transition from winter to spring brings a special kind of magic. Winter scenery gains lively colors, brisk air mingles with sweet scents, and somnolent space becomes vibrant with children's excitement and chirping of birds. [...]
Photo credits: Predrag Vučković All living beings on planet Earth spend their lives trying to ensure a better future for themselves and their posterity. Plants and animals do it instinctively, whereas people are guided by their consciousness which is shaped by different circumstances. The advent of [...]
Cetinje is a town that has existed for a little over 500 years. From the moment of its founding to this very day, Cetinje has written countless pages of Montenegrin history and given invaluable cultural contribution, which is why it’s a must-see place in Montenegro. Cetinje [...]
The beauty of cave depths is fascinating to both amateurs and professionals. To an avid explorer, the most beautiful caves are the deepest, longest, and the most demanding to conquer, whereas those who love photography and underground scenery at glance are more interested in caves that [...]
This year’s holiday season is somewhat unorthodox/unusual. The global pandemic has limited travel, gatherings, and made New Year’s Eve mass celebration impossible. Accepting changes is often challenging, but at the same time it opens up new possibilities to transform mundane moments into something completely new. Wanting [...]
In these long winter evenings when our doorsteps are our final frontiers parents have a task to find quality amusement for their children at home. Fairy tales, which have always been a special ingredient of childhood, might be the best choice today since they enable children [...]
In an attempt to prevent the spread of coronavirus that flooded our planet, the movement of human society as a whole has been limited as never before. It left the strongest effect on tourism and culture sectors of the economy, so the countries in which development [...]
In the year we are slowly leaving behind, Lipa cave, much like the rest of the world, has faced many challenges, the major ones definitely being travel and limited movement. Seeing as caves are fragile ecosystems formed and developed in silence and darkness over millions of [...]