Café bar Lipa and customs of drinking coffee in various countries

2021-04-28T10:51:32+00:00April 28th, 2021|

Cave experience isn't the only reason to visit Lipa Cave. Our facilities include Lipa café bar, which has been completely renovated this year. It’s a place where you can completely relax before or after the tour. Lipa café bar is characterized by the beautiful ambiance, interwoven [...]

Etymology of the name Montenegro

2023-04-07T10:46:45+00:00April 22nd, 2021|

Photo credits: Predrag Vučković The etymology of Montenegro’s name was written about in the works of non-Montenegrin researchers such as Franz Miklošić- a Slavic philologist and linguist, Serbian historians Nićifor Dučić and Ilarion Ruvarac, Josip Gelčić from Kotor, and a French doctor, Gabriel Frilley, who stayed [...]